Beware!! Television and Movies have become prime objects influencing our minds. It is very important to choose what is influencing us and how much should our mind get influenced! Afterall, the influencing by our mind should go congruent with what we really want to achieve. I have recently viewed a movie 'Jab we met' and would like to write the beautiful lessons, dialogues and songs of the movies that have influenced my senses.
The mentioned names Aaditya and Geet are the characters in this movie.

The synopsis of the movie could be read on Jab We Met - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Good lessons from the movie:
*1)Achievers do not always need to be serious! (Aaditya learns to solve problems taking everything easy).
* 2)Believe in Yourself and what you decide and even if the result of your decision is negative, be happy that at least it was your decision. (Geet says this dialogue while she leaves her home. No blaming, No guilt-feeling, just learning and being happy)
* 3)Tough times never last, but tough people do (however, in this movie, Aaditya learns to handle tough time with soft heart that made him tough against being carried away by the life's challenges).
* 4)Cultivate positive perspective for life: With optimistic approach, Aaditya is able to solve 6 months tasks within 1 day!
* 5)Be Proactive: Geet is proactive. She influences the life and all the people around her positively. The serious perspective of Aaditya is also influenced enormously with her pleasant attitude. True, everybody is capable to create an environment around him/her by his thoughts, behavior, mood and words.
* 6)Cultivate Aikido skills: Geet also knows Aikido skills. :) As she does not get influenced by Aaditya's frustrated and rude words in the beginning.
* 7)Loving thyself: Geet takes herself as the most important person and loves herself the most. True, in life, we are the precious gift from the God and should learn to love ourselves the most without being narcissist or self-obsessed!
* 8 )Generousity: Geet was genuinely concerned about a strange companion during her train journey and wanted to help him. Generousity is really a good human quality. Show generousity to others. You would be always rewarded in one way or other way in life.
* 9)Here and Now - Geet used to handle her issues using 'here and now' principle. She negotiates with the person selling water and is not ready to pay extra for water. She manages her problems leaving 'no business incomplete'. No hurt, No grumpiness. Finish the business 'Now and then' which is very helpful behavior.
*10)Fun with nature and being childish: Nature gives us immense pleasure. It is also fun to do childish things sometimes and enjoy your time. Geet does not seem to be missing such chances!
*11) Most important task -Entertaining thyself. Aaditya says in one dialogue that I have missed one very important task and that is playing his violin. Entertain yourself with your favorite hobby or something that you really like to do. Spare time for yourself.
* 12)Loving is not possessing: Aaditya loves Geet but gives her freedom of choice. He does not insist her to do something that is in his favor but allows her to listen her heart's voice.
* 13)Importance of Family: Man is a social animal and when we live in a group, we can always care and share each other's problems. Geet seems to have established high skills of survival as well as high self confidence as she was loved and cared by a big family. However, Aaditya was highly depressed as he did not get much from all personal relations of his. Usually, Family leaves prolific effect in the perspective, character building and overall development of the individual.
* 14)Flexibiliy in Behavior: Aaditya is not rigid in his behavior. Subconsciously, He is ready to admire goodness and is flexible to change his perspective and step forward towards positive change. He openly merges in the new culture at Geet's home and does not hold ego while admiring good personal traits in Geet.
* 15)Richness could not be always felt when one has rich bank accounts but it can be felt when you have rich hearts. Aaditya started enjoying all his belongings only when he became prosperous through his thinking and through his heart.
* 16)Burn and Flush hurt : Geet encourages Aaditya to burn and flush his hurt (a photo of his girlfriend who dumped him). Some more lovely lessons on "Let go off the stress, frustration, hurt, past relationship, etc." could be found on the website below:
40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain | Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In
*17)Do not assume: Geet's grandfather always assumes about the relationship of Geet and Aaditya that was not fact. Stop assuming the things. Believe in the clear communication and expect the same.
*18 )The more we care, the more we get hurt: Geet was tough enough to meet different life challenges. She was very good at helping others but she fails to help herself when she faces problems in her important (one-sided) relationship. We all get hurt. Nobody can escape this feeling especially when we care more about any person as ....the more we care, the more we get hurt.
*19) Living in Present - Life's sheer pleasure lies in 'Living in Present'. We lose the valuable and present moments many a times, regretting about the past. Aaditya learnt to live in present through Geet.
*20) Abundance and free gifts are not always valued. Anshuman rejects Geet who loved him too much.
*21) Nothing should stop Progress: People and time might not be always the same but that should not interrupt the progress cycle in our life. Aaditya learns the same thing and starts his efforts in bad situation. The efforts that led him towards his success!
*22) Role model: Aaditya makes Geet his role model and changes the ways he used to deal with the challenges. We always get role model inspiring us to live the ideal life and if we dont, I think, it is okay to assume an 'ideal self' living with us and try living our life that matches that ideal-self's life (only if this theory does make sense to you)! :)
Beautiful Song: "This path seems more lovelier than the destination": Enjoy not only when you reach your destination but enjoy the path itself too. Don't wait for the great future to be in the 'present' to make you happy, start being happy for everything you have 'now'.
Lovely dialogue: "Sir, We are ruined. Nothing worse can happen than this. All that can happen is only good! Man always gets what he really wants!"
Questions that are 'out' of the movie:
Can we get the encouraging and optimistic companion/role model like Geet in all our depressed journey?
Do people always get the chance to think on their choice (on different life's area) and change their mind as Geet got the chance to choose Aaditya in the end and reject Anshuman?
Whether it is about choosing life-partner or making other life's important decision, one may not be 100% accurate and may not get the second chance to think on the decision. What can the person do in such situation?
I have the answer
If nobody, the professional counselor can always aid you.
The mentioned names Aaditya and Geet are the characters in this movie.
The synopsis of the movie could be read on Jab We Met - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Good lessons from the movie:
*1)Achievers do not always need to be serious! (Aaditya learns to solve problems taking everything easy).
* 2)Believe in Yourself and what you decide and even if the result of your decision is negative, be happy that at least it was your decision. (Geet says this dialogue while she leaves her home. No blaming, No guilt-feeling, just learning and being happy)
* 3)Tough times never last, but tough people do (however, in this movie, Aaditya learns to handle tough time with soft heart that made him tough against being carried away by the life's challenges).
* 4)Cultivate positive perspective for life: With optimistic approach, Aaditya is able to solve 6 months tasks within 1 day!
* 5)Be Proactive: Geet is proactive. She influences the life and all the people around her positively. The serious perspective of Aaditya is also influenced enormously with her pleasant attitude. True, everybody is capable to create an environment around him/her by his thoughts, behavior, mood and words.
* 6)Cultivate Aikido skills: Geet also knows Aikido skills. :) As she does not get influenced by Aaditya's frustrated and rude words in the beginning.
* 7)Loving thyself: Geet takes herself as the most important person and loves herself the most. True, in life, we are the precious gift from the God and should learn to love ourselves the most without being narcissist or self-obsessed!
* 8 )Generousity: Geet was genuinely concerned about a strange companion during her train journey and wanted to help him. Generousity is really a good human quality. Show generousity to others. You would be always rewarded in one way or other way in life.
* 9)Here and Now - Geet used to handle her issues using 'here and now' principle. She negotiates with the person selling water and is not ready to pay extra for water. She manages her problems leaving 'no business incomplete'. No hurt, No grumpiness. Finish the business 'Now and then' which is very helpful behavior.
*10)Fun with nature and being childish: Nature gives us immense pleasure. It is also fun to do childish things sometimes and enjoy your time. Geet does not seem to be missing such chances!
*11) Most important task -Entertaining thyself. Aaditya says in one dialogue that I have missed one very important task and that is playing his violin. Entertain yourself with your favorite hobby or something that you really like to do. Spare time for yourself.
* 12)Loving is not possessing: Aaditya loves Geet but gives her freedom of choice. He does not insist her to do something that is in his favor but allows her to listen her heart's voice.
* 13)Importance of Family: Man is a social animal and when we live in a group, we can always care and share each other's problems. Geet seems to have established high skills of survival as well as high self confidence as she was loved and cared by a big family. However, Aaditya was highly depressed as he did not get much from all personal relations of his. Usually, Family leaves prolific effect in the perspective, character building and overall development of the individual.
* 14)Flexibiliy in Behavior: Aaditya is not rigid in his behavior. Subconsciously, He is ready to admire goodness and is flexible to change his perspective and step forward towards positive change. He openly merges in the new culture at Geet's home and does not hold ego while admiring good personal traits in Geet.
* 15)Richness could not be always felt when one has rich bank accounts but it can be felt when you have rich hearts. Aaditya started enjoying all his belongings only when he became prosperous through his thinking and through his heart.
* 16)Burn and Flush hurt : Geet encourages Aaditya to burn and flush his hurt (a photo of his girlfriend who dumped him). Some more lovely lessons on "Let go off the stress, frustration, hurt, past relationship, etc." could be found on the website below:
40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain | Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In
*17)Do not assume: Geet's grandfather always assumes about the relationship of Geet and Aaditya that was not fact. Stop assuming the things. Believe in the clear communication and expect the same.
*18 )The more we care, the more we get hurt: Geet was tough enough to meet different life challenges. She was very good at helping others but she fails to help herself when she faces problems in her important (one-sided) relationship. We all get hurt. Nobody can escape this feeling especially when we care more about any person as ....the more we care, the more we get hurt.
*19) Living in Present - Life's sheer pleasure lies in 'Living in Present'. We lose the valuable and present moments many a times, regretting about the past. Aaditya learnt to live in present through Geet.
*20) Abundance and free gifts are not always valued. Anshuman rejects Geet who loved him too much.
*21) Nothing should stop Progress: People and time might not be always the same but that should not interrupt the progress cycle in our life. Aaditya learns the same thing and starts his efforts in bad situation. The efforts that led him towards his success!
*22) Role model: Aaditya makes Geet his role model and changes the ways he used to deal with the challenges. We always get role model inspiring us to live the ideal life and if we dont, I think, it is okay to assume an 'ideal self' living with us and try living our life that matches that ideal-self's life (only if this theory does make sense to you)! :)
Beautiful Song: "This path seems more lovelier than the destination": Enjoy not only when you reach your destination but enjoy the path itself too. Don't wait for the great future to be in the 'present' to make you happy, start being happy for everything you have 'now'.
Lovely dialogue: "Sir, We are ruined. Nothing worse can happen than this. All that can happen is only good! Man always gets what he really wants!"
Questions that are 'out' of the movie:
Can we get the encouraging and optimistic companion/role model like Geet in all our depressed journey?
Do people always get the chance to think on their choice (on different life's area) and change their mind as Geet got the chance to choose Aaditya in the end and reject Anshuman?
Whether it is about choosing life-partner or making other life's important decision, one may not be 100% accurate and may not get the second chance to think on the decision. What can the person do in such situation?
I have the answer
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