Saturday 7 April 2012

God, Did you hear me? - A story

Part 1

A beautiful Hindi song was lingering in the mind of Antara - "Tinka...Tinka...Zara...Zara...hain roshni se jaise bhara...har dil mein armaan hote to hain...bas koi...samjhe zara". Antara, a woman in her late 30s, was engrossed in preparing pizza while her mind was straying somewhere else. She thought that every other object on this planet need the light to be visible, the object like moon has to rely on the light of the Sun to illuminate, however, the Sun maintains its existence itself without the need of being charged or without the need of being dependent upon the light of some other celestial body. Antara sighed, Why does the singer sings, “bas koi…samjhe zara?" Why does she need a green signal from other person to experience the inner bliss?

Riding on the seat of the thought cycle, Antara reached her school days when her teachers used to call her "Dynamo", her parents were pride for the values she added in the family as the daughter, but today, she felt sorry for herself for being a failed wife, for being a Quitter woman! Antara distinguished her soul from the woman who lived within her. A woman who lived within was full of womanly desires and feelings that was not getting satiated.

Though, she was very happy and proud as the mother, daughter, sister and a friend, the woman residing within would not allow her to be a successful wife and Antara thinks that "I am a Failure today because of the woman within".

This woman within would get awake and shout at her every few months that “ my needs are not being fulfilled”. Antara had been fighting with her inner woman for years. A Russian writer had once written, “It does not matter where you live, unless you are not hungry”. If the hunger is of the emotional urges, she thinks, how could it be forgotten how she had been treated whenever she said that "I am hungry" to her husband! Abraham Maslow had very well explained in his theory of hierarchy of needs that when a person's basic needs are fulfilled, he/she focuses on the needs of safety and security, on the needs of love and affection, on the needs of self esteem and the fulfillment of all these needs lead the person towards self actualization.

Antara was hungry. Her hunger was of being valued, respected, accepted and loved for the way she is with all her perfections and imperfections. She had most of the time got humiliation, comparison, labels, blame, criticism and insults for all her weaknesses and on the other hand, ignorance for all that she had been adding in her husband's life. As a child, she had always thought of marriage as the synonym of "Security, Stability and Love" but she had been living in the relationship that was completely an antonym of what she had thought and dreamt. If she took her husband as the Deity (as it was instilled by her mother during her brought up), her this Deity never got pleased with her. Antara became an audience of rudest language, domestic violence, 2 forced abortions, 2 miscarriages, one minor brain hemorrhage, few days of unconsciousness and the torture to the level that she had to leave the home for so many months, again and again. The home, which was her ultimate destination, was forced to be left again and again. The family that was her ultimate goal was broken forever. What could be the life be without the destination and the goal? Despite all these, Antara had managed to remain positive and strong with her desires and dreams unless few days ago, she decided to farewell her home for the sake of dignity and peace. Today, Antara's mind was stormed with so many thoughts, past incidents and questions. She was angry and asked herself, "why should I keep believing him as the deity? What are his qualities that match the deity?” Antara puffed with distress and concentrated on her work. Well, he is not the deity. He is a Man. "To err is human". Her heart voiced, 'Maybe, it should be some perceptual mismatch between us. Maybe, it should be my limitations in not being able to understand the most important person in my life. May he always remain happy where ever he is. May he always gain prosperity and peace of the world. God Bless. ' 

"Mam, Are my pizzas ready?" Antara, suddenly was startled by a customer's question. 

Part 2

"It won't take long, Sir", fumbled Antara; instantly trying to hide her engrossment and trying to be in present. "Why don't you take a seat?", Antara became conscious of her facial gestures and confirmed that they are the pleasant one. 

"I am fine, Thanks", said the Customer who was curiously reading the list and contents of newly introduced "Signature Pizzas". 

"Sure", responded Antara and joined her work again.

Antara had joined a Pizza shop after departing from her home to be on her own. No matter, whatever internal issues are in the Pizza-shop, she thought, she and the other staff members were committed to offer the quality product and quality service to the customers. It was not a big job to follow this simple rule for the Customers' satisfaction. Thinking on the large pattern, No matter whatever situation and circumstances arise in life, we all are committed to give our best value to every hour that we spend. It should again not be the big job to follow these simple rules for the Creator's satisfaction! 

After the order of pizza is received, the staff member is expected to customize the quality pizza in the given time frame. In the same manner, she feels that we all are equally abided to add quality in every hour we spend and create some useful things in the given time frame by the God. She very much understands that as the customer would want the reward for every cent he pays, maybe, the God would also expect the high reward for every moment that he has allotted to our heart to continue beating. Antara's mind was running faster than her actions this time.

"Your Pizzas are ready Sir, here you go", said Antara smilingly handing over the bag of pizzas to the customer. And then she started preparing the other order while murmuring, "I spent this hour also creatively and smilingly. God, Did you hear me?" 

"Did you say something, Antara?", asked the fellow worker who was working behind her. 

Antara stopped placing the toppings on the pizza and smilingly quirked her head. "Oops!...No, nothing". 

"The evergreen smile on your face reflects how lucky and blessed you should be in your life", said the fellow worker. Antara least liked to be the cause of worries and stress to other people and therefore, had not shared her feelings to anybody.

"Undoubtedly, I am", smiled Antara once again. This smile was not tainted with any malice in her heart as Antara truly appreciated every body and every thing in her life. She had taken every challenge as a positive lesson towards developing a close insight for the life. Antara's optimism would never allow her to quit the life. And Antara started humming the song, "Tinka...Tinka...Zara...Zara...hain roshni se jaise bhara...har dil mein armaan hote to hain...bas koi...samjhe zara" just for entertaining herself. 

The zest of every Love story may not only be "And they lived happily ever after", it may also be "And they learnt to experience inner bliss".

(I write my first story and dedicate that to my daughter Lavanya on her 4th birthday today. After my son Aaditya, Lavanya has arrived as an added blessing to my family. I pride and love to consist a beautiful family. Any resemblance in this story to the life of any living or dead person could be merely a coincidence. :) )

Thursday 23 February 2012

Jab we met! :) (A movie review)

Beware!! Television and Movies have become prime objects influencing our minds. It is very important to choose what is influencing us and how much should our mind get influenced! Afterall, the influencing by our mind should go congruent with what we really want to achieve. I have recently viewed a movie 'Jab we met' and would like to write the beautiful lessons, dialogues and songs of the movies that have influenced my senses.

The mentioned names Aaditya and Geet are the characters in this movie.

The synopsis of the movie could be read on Jab We Met - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Good lessons from the movie:

*1)Achievers do not always need to be serious! (Aaditya learns to solve problems taking everything easy).

* 2)Believe in Yourself and what you decide and even if the result of your decision is negative, be happy that at least it was your decision. (Geet says this dialogue while she leaves her home. No blaming, No guilt-feeling, just learning and being happy)

* 3)Tough times never last, but tough people do (however, in this movie, Aaditya learns to handle tough time with soft heart that made him tough against being carried away by the life's challenges).

* 4)Cultivate positive perspective for life: With optimistic approach, Aaditya is able to solve 6 months tasks within 1 day!

* 5)Be Proactive: Geet is proactive. She influences the life and all the people around her positively. The serious perspective of Aaditya is also influenced enormously with her pleasant attitude. True, everybody is capable to create an environment around him/her by his thoughts, behavior, mood and words.

* 6)Cultivate Aikido skills: Geet also knows Aikido skills. :) As she does not get influenced by Aaditya's frustrated and rude words in the beginning.

* 7)Loving thyself: Geet takes herself as the most important person and loves herself the most. True, in life, we are the precious gift from the God and should learn to love ourselves the most without being narcissist or self-obsessed!

* 8 )Generousity: Geet was genuinely concerned about a strange companion during her train journey and wanted to help him. Generousity is really a good human quality. Show generousity to others. You would be always rewarded in one way or other way in life.

* 9)Here and Now - Geet used to handle her issues using 'here and now' principle. She negotiates with the person selling water and is not ready to pay extra for water. She manages her problems leaving 'no business incomplete'. No hurt, No grumpiness. Finish the business 'Now and then' which is very helpful behavior.

*10)Fun with nature and being childish: Nature gives us immense pleasure. It is also fun to do childish things sometimes and enjoy your time. Geet does not seem to be missing such chances!

*11) Most important task -Entertaining thyself. Aaditya says in one dialogue that I have missed one very important task and that is playing his violin. Entertain yourself with your favorite hobby or something that you really like to do. Spare time for yourself.

* 12)Loving is not possessing: Aaditya loves Geet but gives her freedom of choice. He does not insist her to do something that is in his favor but allows her to listen her heart's voice.

* 13)Importance of Family: Man is a social animal and when we live in a group, we can always care and share each other's problems. Geet seems to have established high skills of survival as well as high self confidence as she was loved and cared by a big family. However, Aaditya was highly depressed as he did not get much from all personal relations of his. Usually, Family leaves prolific effect in the perspective, character building and overall development of the individual.

* 14)Flexibiliy in Behavior: Aaditya is not rigid in his behavior. Subconsciously, He is ready to admire goodness and is flexible to change his perspective and step forward towards positive change. He openly merges in the new culture at Geet's home and does not hold ego while admiring good personal traits in Geet.

* 15)Richness could not be always felt when one has rich bank accounts but it can be felt when you have rich hearts. Aaditya started enjoying all his belongings only when he became prosperous through his thinking and through his heart.

* 16)Burn and Flush hurt : Geet encourages Aaditya to burn and flush his hurt (a photo of his girlfriend who dumped him). Some more lovely lessons on "Let go off the stress, frustration, hurt, past relationship, etc." could be found on the website below:

40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain | Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In

*17)Do not assume: Geet's grandfather always assumes about the relationship of Geet and Aaditya that was not fact. Stop assuming the things. Believe in the clear communication and expect the same.

*18 )The more we care, the more we get hurt: Geet was tough enough to meet different life challenges. She was very good at helping others but she fails to help herself when she faces problems in her important (one-sided) relationship. We all get hurt. Nobody can escape this feeling especially when we care more about any person as ....the more we care, the more we get hurt.

*19) Living in Present - Life's sheer pleasure lies in 'Living in Present'. We lose the valuable and present moments many a times, regretting about the past. Aaditya learnt to live in present through Geet.

*20) Abundance and free gifts are not always valued. Anshuman rejects Geet who loved him too much.

*21) Nothing should stop Progress: People and time might not be always the same but that should not interrupt the progress cycle in our life. Aaditya learns the same thing and starts his efforts in bad situation. The efforts that led him towards his success!

*22) Role model: Aaditya makes Geet his role model and changes the ways he used to deal with the challenges. We always get role model inspiring us to live the ideal life and if we dont, I think, it is okay to assume an 'ideal self' living with us and try living our life that matches that ideal-self's life (only if this theory does make sense to you)! :)

Beautiful Song: "This path seems more lovelier than the destination": Enjoy not only when you reach your destination but enjoy the path itself too. Don't wait for the great future to be in the 'present' to make you happy, start being happy for everything you have 'now'.

Lovely dialogue: "Sir, We are ruined. Nothing worse can happen than this. All that can happen is only good! Man always gets what he really wants!"

Questions that are 'out' of the movie:
Can we get the encouraging and optimistic companion/role model like Geet in all our depressed journey?

Do people always get the chance to think on their choice (on different life's area) and change their mind as Geet got the chance to choose Aaditya in the end and reject Anshuman?

Whether it is about choosing life-partner or making other life's important decision, one may not be 100% accurate and may not get the second chance to think on the decision. What can the person do in such situation?

I have the answer If nobody, the professional counselor can always aid you.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Giving Substance - Dews in our hearts and minds :)

Finest Blog Winner - Third Weekly Pick of February 2012

I was thinking about the word substance today. What the beautiful adjective does it make..... 'substantial'!

I was thinking whether only the things that carry substance is important or also the things that do not carry the substance is also important? How much important are our hard work and efforts if they are not given any substance? We do hard work to get a substantial result. We get substantial result maybe, in the form of a report card or any other thing that we have produced. We pride to give a substance to our hard work. But what about the music lovers who play the music when they are free? This art or act of theirs is in the air, it pleases the minds and ears of some music lovers for some time and the sound vanishes in the air as soon as the music is stopped being played! I wonder, how important is this art when it vanishes it's substance and exist no more!What about the volunteer workers who serve the community and vanish? Many of the times, we never know how the community developed and who contributed in the survival of the community or other non-profit-organisations. What about the people who have great ideas but never bother to write or speak and the ideas of the people vanish along with the thinker's existence!

Mother's love is so much valuable. She is 100% concerned and involved in the growth and development of her child. What is the substance of her care and love when the children become independent? I mean, if we just assume that all beautiful feelings can be given a form or substance, how much space we would need on this planet to make all those invisible but valuable feelings substantial! No doubt, Mother's love and care change as per the age of the children. The involvement and concerns change the shape and form but it is still the same kind of feeling. We experience different types of feelings every time. Once, we get mature, we start choosing and deciding, what feeling should be demonstrated to gain what substance? We may choose to direct our feelings towards result oriented substance!

Positive thoughts and helpful emotions lie in the great mess of our minds. They vanish as the dew drops, in the air, no doubt, leaving moisture behind that in the atmosphere, and if the person comes late in that environment, the moisture also vanishes and the person misses the experience and feel of that moisture.

How about catching the dew drops in the camera and giving them the existence in the form of photo? It would not give the viewer the idea of how it 'feels' being in the environment having moisture but it would certainly please the minds of the people while viewing the photographs of the dew drops and definitely, to some extent, would be able to imagine the feeling that such charismatic atmosphere brings! So awake, arise and give substance to every dew drop that lies in your mind and create that moisture in the form of words, spoken or written, in the form of hug or kiss, or the form that best suits your comfort level and let the other person feel 'the feel'. Let us give substance of all our positive energy that flows in our hearts and minds!

Before I leave, a beautiful quote, "There is dew in one flower and not in another, because one opens its cup and takes it in, while the other closes itself and the drop runs off. So God rains goodness and mercy as wide as the dew, and if we lack them, it is because we do not open our hearts to receive them." - James H. Aughey