Saturday, 26 November 2011

Workshop by Mr. Angajan

Our 'ignorance' is always more than our 'knowledge'. It is the blessing to get a chance to hear the speakers who have researched on some useful topics and are ready to share their knowledge with us. It had been nice attending Mr. M K Angajan's 3 days workshop and learn from his research on Time management, Stress Management and Relationship management. Before I forget the learned useful lessons, I would like to take a chance to document my learning.

Notes: If any information is missing, please go through the pictures and that may help you in getting the missing information.

Snippets on the lecture of "Time management"

If you want to manage the time, you have to manage the manager (i.e. 'Self') first. You are the manager.

You are the manager and you manage all your senses and organs.

Composition of Human being:
5 organs of Peerception: Body, mind, ego, soul/spirit and intellect.
5 organs of Action: Legs, speech, genitals, hands and organs of

Brain is a tangible organ. Whereas Mind is an intangible organ.

Mind is composed of emotions, desires, feelings, likes/dislikes, impulses, attachments etc.

When you are unduly worried about the work, your mind takes the message that you are very busy. The busy minds do not function much accurately.

People who can manage keeping their minds calm and composed can do more work and thus they are the busiest people.
Your life is a 'product' of your made choices.

There are some choices which can give you instant pleasure but may not add value in your life.
However, choices that add value might not give you instant pleasure.

Our minds like instant gratification.

84% decisions are based on emotion, not logic and reasons.

"A clear head and a mature heart is always formidable combination".

People do not get stressed by work, but by the negative thoughts associated with the work. Work gives joy to the person. Negative thoughts affects our decision making skills.

Effective Time management through Self management:
Steps of Vicious cycle of Mind:

1. Stressed mind leads to clouded thinking
2. Clouded thinking leads to wrong decision and choices (you lose creativity)
3. You become less productive
4. You get more stressed
5. With stressed mind, your thinking gets more clouded and you start from step 1 again being less productive and more stressed.

Steps of Virtuous Cycle of Mind:

1. Peaceful mind leads to clearer thinking and decisions
2. Precise decision & choices more creative
3. You get more productive
4. You gain more peace
5. With peaceful mind, your thinking gets more clear and you start from step 1 being more productive and enjoying more peaceful mind

"Behind every successful person, there is PAIN.

 Every human being, regardless a winner or a loser, goes through pain. The winner passes through the pain of Discipline and a loser passes through the pain of regret.

Pain of Discipline                                                            Pain of Regret

1. Pain in the begin.                                                         Pain later or life time.
2. You are the master.                                                     You are a slave or a victim.
3. Have control over things.                                             Have no conscious control over things.
4. Know when and where it comes and be prepared.       Dont know when and where it arises. Caught
                                                                                       when not prepared.
5. Go through conscious.                                              

Effective time manager delegates their work.

Time management is the management of
a) Ability/resources.
b) Works to be done.
c) Time available.

Therefore to say Time management is misnomer. It is Self management that one requires.

Three facets of your life:
1) Public Life
Interact with people at work, community and social events.
2) Private life
Life with your family and friends.
3) Inner life:
Your inner being, your inner self, when you are by your self.

Most people spend maximum time and resources on 1 and less on 2 and the least on 3.

Such people are very stressed, never have enough time, suffer from work pressure.

Imagine you are a juggler who juggles 5 balls everytime. 5 balls being work, family, health, friends and spirit, you cant stop juggling anytime. Now imagine, all the four balls except the ball of work is made of glass.  Read more about that in the given picture above.

Understand the difference between Urgent vs. Important.

Urgent                                                                          Important

1. Something external urge you.                                     Based on internal value
2. Needs immediate attention.                                       Important to you.
3. Visible.                                                                     Long term goal and mission.
4. Press on 'Us'                                                            High priority goals.
5. Pleasant,easy                                                            Not easy, unpleasant
6. Fun to do.                                                               Not fun to do.
7. Gives instant gratification                                          Gives delayed gratification

Urgency minded people do not invest time on long term results. They focus on instant gratification.

When you procrastinate important matters, they become CRISIS.

Important + Urgent = Crisis

Crisis gives you stress, anxiety, mental pressure, intellect clouded, lose efficiency.

Four quadrants of Management


    Urgent                                                                     Not Urgent

 Crisis                                                                    Prevention
Pressing problems                                                  Building and preserve relationship
deadline driven projects                                          Recognising new opportunities

Interruptions                                                           Time wasters
Calls                                                                       Pleasant activities
Mails                                                                      Some marketing calls
Pressing matters
Popular activities


                   Urgent                                             Not Urgent


Stress                                                        Vision, Perspective
Burn out                                                     Balance
Crisis management                                      Discipline
Putting out fires                                           Control
                                                                  Minimum crisis

Not Important

Short term focus                                       Total responsibility
Crisis management                                    Fired from job
See goals and plans are worthless             Dependent on others for survival
Feel victimised
Life is out of control
Damaged relationship

Human choices should be such that which adds value to the life.

Set a Goal that is lofty and ideal

Goal: purpose beyond your selfish end. Not a selfish goal for more money, fame, name, etc. But it is a sense of purpose and a vision, dedicated and committed to your organisation. Looking at the bigger picture of your organisation.

Have an attitude of GIVING and not acquiring.

When you go for instant gratification, you disturb your focus.
Lack of Concentration is developed through unhelpful habits.

Time is not logical but psychological factor.
It is subjective and not objective.

It is the misconception to behave that work makes you tired.

Instead, work produces energy but we do not know how to work.
Change your Belief system to be efficient in managing time and work.

Doing the work with negative emotions makes you 10 times more tired than you should be. Even though the body reflects and demands for rest in the end of work, the body is not tired.

Mental stamina - An ability to endure the pain.

Many people look into the rear mirror and drive forward giving a lot of chance to accident. Similarly, many people think a lot about the past and still want to progress in life. If you want to succeed, do take occasional look of the rear mirror but concentrate on the way forward.

What is Consistency?
It is generalizing/directing each and every action towards the goal. Not giving up the efforts until the goal is reached.

Dissipation of your resources:

a) Lathery, inertia, indolence, laziness
b) worries of past and anxieties of future.
c) stress
d) procrastination
e) indecisiveness

Worries and anxiety fill your mind and psychologically you feel that you are very busy.

Effective Investment of Time:

4 am to 6 am is called Sattwa state in Hindu religion.
It is the best time to have a start of the day, plan the activities or do other important things.

6 am to 6 pm is called Rajas state in Hindu religion
The time to do all planned activities

6 pm to 4 am is called tamas state in hindu religion.
This is an inactive state and maybe, filled with lust.

Blue print of Success:

3 Cs essential in Success:
Consistency, Commitment and Concentration

Practical Tips for Time management:

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